Wednesday, June 5, 2024

USB Drive is write-protected...

First thing and foremost, does USB Drive have write protection similar to floppy disk-drive? Of course not...

The following symptoms that the USB Drive is write-protected:
1. No delete option on classic context menu.

2. When you try to format it, it shows an error that is write protected:

What does it mean to us as users? How come it is write protected?

Well, there's only one possibility: The drive can not accept more storage or command. It already reached its limits (errors, data transfer). It's now useless as it is expired. Btw, my USB drive is already 20yrs+

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fix for Netflix sounds not working....

 I've just encountered this on Win11 after starting up NetFlix. Tried every solutions that can be found on the net. I've narrowed it to this option: Exclusive control.

Uncheck the option "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device".

Then problem solved.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 Why Google Search Engine is better than Bing?

Search for SQL Management Studio in Google:

Now, search it in Bing:

Conclusion: Google Search Engine wins!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Switch to Cloudflare DNS

Wow I have never thought nothing will beat Google DNS but today Cloudflare has beaten Google DNS. Why? It has the lowest respond time... Check this out:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Firefox is not honoring its feature policy...

I'm not sure why Firefox browser is not yet fixing its issue (based on their doc it's available for version 65 but I'm already on version 68 and it's not working).

Come on, please try these links in Firefox (the latest the better):

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Fed up with Logitech Keyboards and Mice...

As a coder, simple tools are our necessity such as keyboard and mouse. I was a logitech fan from, keyboard, mouse, headset and speakers. But nowadays (around 2 yrs ago), most of the issues were from logitech keyboards and mice that I have. On keyboard, there were keys ghostings with certain combo (CSGO shift + space and problem starts).... On their mice, double-clicking issues are now rampant and it manifest only on the 3rd month (even the replacement)... Till now... I'm waiting for my mouse replacement. for the keyboard, I already switched from Logitech gaming keyboard to HyperX Alloy FPS Keyboard and till now it's working as intended. For the mouse, I intend to switch to HyperX Pulsefire Surge and see the durability. So now, if you intend to buy Logitech, don't buy their keyboards and mice even they have 2 yrs warranty it would be just a waste of time and effort.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

How to play android games without ADs

As you know ADs shows up in either popups or inside game screen which can take time in between rounds and can be annoying....

This tip is for offline android games (that doesn't require server or real-time connection). I have one simple solution: just turn off WIFI connection...